Invited Speaker

Smart Recommendation Systems
Fei Hao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Shaanxi Normal University, China
The amount of movie has increased to become more congested; therefore, to find a movie what users are looking for through the existing technologies are very hard. For this reason, the users want a system that can suggest the movie requirement to them and the best technology about these is the recommendation system. However, the most recommendation system is using collaborative filtering methods to predict the needs of the user due to this method gives the most accurate prediction. Today, many researchers are paid attention to develop several methods to improve accuracy rather than using collaborative filtering methods. To further improve accuracy in the recommendation system, the k-clique methodology can be used to analyze social networks to be the guidance of this system. An efficient movie recommendation algorithm based on improved k-clique methods are introduced which are the best accuracy of the recommendation system.
Dr. Hao is an associate professor, in the School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, China, and he is also an executive director of Shanxi Association of Experts and Scholars (SAES) Information Branch. He received the B.Sc. degree in Information and Computing Science and the M.Sc. degree in Computer Software and Theory from Xihua University, China, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Soonchunhyang University, South Korea, in 2016. He worked as a research fellow at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China from 2012 to 2014. Since 2016, he has been with the School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, China, where he is currently an associate professor. His research interests include social computing, soft computing, big data analytics, pervasive computing, and data mining. Dr. Hao holds a world-class research track record of publication in the top international journals and the prestigious conferences. He has published more than 60 papers in the leading international journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Internet Computing, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications as well as GlobeCom. In addition, he was the recipient of five Best paper awards from CUTE 2016, UCASWSN 2015, MUE2015, IEEE GreenCom 2013 and KISM 2012 conferences, respectively. He was also the recipient of the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award at IEEE CPSCom 2013 and the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. Since 2017, he has joined JIPS (Journal of Information Processing Systems) editorial board, where he is currently an associate editor, and he is an initiator and general chair of IEEE SMMA, IWSCA and DSCI workshops. He is also a member of ACM, CCF and KIPS.